Business Exit Planning Services & Advisors in San Diego

Looking for business exit planning services and advisors in San Diego? You’ve come to the right place. At Heritage Wealth Management, we excel at helping our clients build the most ideal exit plan.  

Comprehensive Business Exit Planning Solutions

Selling your business is a significant milestone, and our team of experienced advisors in San Diego is here to ensure you navigate this complex process seamlessly. We offer a comprehensive suite of business exit planning services designed to maximize value and secure your financial future.

Our Strategic Business Exit Planning Services

We’ll tailor our services to meet your unique needs. We’ll work closely with you to develop a personalized exit plan that aligns with your financial goals and timelines. Our services include:

Business Valuation

Business Valuation

We’ll assess the value of your business as the first step in the exit plan process. Our team will provide you with a realistic estimate of your business’s worth, and a plan of how to get the highest possible sale price for you.

Succession Planning

Succession Planning

Ensure a smooth transition by planning for your successor. Whether you’re passing the business to a family member or selling to a third party, an exit planning advisor will help you develop a succession plan that minimizes disruption and maintains business continuity.

Financial Planning

Financial Planning

Our financial planning services can help you achieve your post-exit financial goals. From retirement planning to wealth management, we want to make sure that you have a solid financial foundation for your future.

Tax-Efficient Exit Strategies

Minimizing tax liabilities is a must with business exit planning. Our San Diego advisors specialize in tax-efficient exit strategies that help you retain more of your hard-earned money. Our services include:

Tax Optimization

Tax Optimization

We’ll analyze your financial situation and recommend strategies to reduce your tax burden. Our team stays up-to-date with the latest tax laws to ensure you benefit from every available tax advantage.

Read more about our Tax Planning Services.

Charitable Giving Strategies

Charitable Giving Strategies

Incorporate philanthropy into your exit plan to achieve both financial and personal goals. We assist in developing charitable giving strategies that provide tax benefits while supporting causes you care about.

Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Our estate planning services help you to protect your legacy and make sure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. We help you minimize taxes and maximize the value passed on to your heirs.

Read more about Estate Planning in San Diego.

Personalized Advisory Services

Every business is unique, and so are the needs of its owner. Our personalized advisory services are designed to provide you with the support and guidance you need throughout the exit planning process. We offer:


  • One-on-One Consultations: Work directly with our experienced advisors to discuss your exit planning needs. We provide personalized advice and solutions tailored to your specific situation.

  • Ongoing Support: Our commitment to you doesn’t end with the transaction. We offer ongoing support to help you manage your wealth, adjust your financial plan as needed, and achieve long-term success.

Keep More of What You’ve Created

When the time comes to monetize your hard work through a business exit, understanding and managing the tax consequences is crucial.


Selling your business? Below is our robust toolkit designed specifically for San Diego business owners to maximize the value of your exit:

Income Business Plan

Income Business Plan

The good news is your business is booming. Your challenge is to keep as much of your earnings as possible. We’ll collaborate directly with your CPA to share best practices and make sure you’re utilizing the many tools at your disposal to minimize taxation.

Liquidity Events Structural and Execution Analysis

Pre-Transaction Planning

Structural Analysis

Analyze the benefits of various structures (S-corp, C-corp, etc.) and valuation allocations within those structures.

Execution Analysis

Consideration given to immediate vs. staggered payments, including rollover into remaining entities.

Income Business Plan

Post-Transaction Planning

Offsetting Gain Opportunities

Review of multiple tax-efficient opportunities, including charitable and tax credit markets.

Go-forward Tax Efficiency

Consider investment vehicles that allow tax-free compounding for high net-worth clients.

Why Choose Heritage Wealth Management for Your Exit Plan

What makes us unique? Heritage is built like a family office. Typically, most ultra-high net worth families will hire their own team to manage their wealth. That team is called a “Family Office,” and it is built up with experts in Financial Planning, Tax Planning, Real Estate and Private Equity to exclusively manage their wealth.


We are built to deliver that same sophisticated and customized service to you for a fraction of the cost and effort of building out your own team. Our partners enjoyed careers respectively in Financial Planning (CFP), Tax (CPA), Real Estate (both Public & Private), and Private Equity (CFA & CAIA).


So if you’re looking for business exit planning services & advisors in San Diego, you’ve come to the right place. 

Learn how we can help with business exit planning!

FAQs About Business Exit Planning Services & Advisors in San Diego

It’s the strategic process of preparing a business owner to sell or transfer ownership of their business. Business exit planning involves financial, legal, and tax planning to maximize your business’s value and to help ensure a smooth transition.

Ideally, exit planning in San Diego should begin several years before you intend to exit. Early planning allows for the implementation of strategies that can enhance business value, optimize tax outcomes, and ensure a seamless transition. Contact us at Heritage so that we can help you develop a timeline. 

Key components include business valuation, succession planning, tax optimization, financial planning, and legal considerations. At Heritage, each component will be tailored to meet your specific goals and business needs.

Common mistakes include waiting too long to start planning, underestimating the value of your business, neglecting tax implications, and failing to consider the emotional aspects of leaving your business. Working with our team at Heritage can help you avoid these pitfalls.

Yes, selling your business to a family member is an option. At Heritage, we’ll help you to make sure a clear succession plan is in place; we’ll consider the tax and financial implications of the transfer to ensure it aligns with your overall exit strategy.

When choosing a successor, consider their experience, leadership qualities, and alignment with your business values. Ideally, your successor will also have formal training and a transition plan in place to ensure continuity. At Heritage, we can help you build an exit plan for a smooth transition to your successor.

You’ll need to build a strong succession plan, train your successor, and maintain key relationships with customers and suppliers. Our team at Heritage can advise you on how to  manage this transition.

A business exit advisor guides you through the exit planning process, offering expertise in financial planning, tax strategies, business valuation, and succession planning. They ensure your exit is as profitable and smooth as possible. If you’re looking for business exit planning services and advisors in San Diego, contact us today.

Yes. You can sell to a third party, pass the business to a family member or implement an employee stock ownership plan. Each strategy has unique benefits and considerations. At Heritage, we’re here to talk you through all of the options.

Preparing your business for sale involves optimizing financial performance, organizing legal and financial records, enhancing business operations, and identifying potential buyers. A thorough preparation can significantly increase the sale value. 

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