Tax Planning vs. Tax Preparation
Tax Planning Services
There’s a difference between tax planning and tax preparation. Tax planning requires a holistic view of business, family, investment, and charitable realities. Our team can coordinate with your CPA to make sure you’re maximizing tax-efficient options available, including:

Income Tax Planning
When was the last time your financial advisor spoke with your CPA or attorney? It is our experience that very few advisors invest time looking at client tax returns and working with their client’s CPAs to minimize taxation. We also observe that financial advisors, CPAs, and attorneys rarely coordinate effectively on behalf of their clients. We do both.

Tax Efficient Portfolios

Business Exit Strategies
The earlier you plan, the more you can save. We employ tax planning services and estate planning strategies for liquidity events, business exits, IPOs, and succession planning. Often, the best business tax planning and structural work is done years before any liquidity event is executed. Let’s work together now so you can keep more of what you have built.